In order to deal with the grid synchronization problem of power electronic converter under dis- torted grid voltage conditions,a synchronization method based on frequency adaptive moving average filter phase locked loop (MA-PLL) was proposed. A moving average filter is inserted in the conventional syn- chronous rotating frame PLL in order to eliminate the influence of unbalance and harmonic distortion volt- age components in adverse grid conditions. In addition, frequency-adaptive algorithm and magnitude nor- malized method are used to improve the performance of MA-PLL under the frequency variation and magni- tude voltage fluctuation. The PLL coefficients are optimized by the small-signal model analysis method, which improveds the dynamic performance of MA-PLL. The experimental results show that the proposed MA-PLL can accurately and rapidly obtain grid phase and frequency information under adverse grid condi- tions (e. g. , grid voltage distortion, voltage imbalance and frequency variation).