自主观测软件系统的设计与实现是天文望远镜自主观测的核心,近年来已经成为天文技术研究中的一个重要方向。在当前可用的自主观测系统中,远程望远镜系统第2版(Remote Telescope System 2nd version,RTS2)拥有较多优势从而成为国内天文技术界较为关注的系统之一。针对RTS2不提供远程访问控制功能的问题,深入分析RTS2中利用XML-RPC技术实现数据访问和功能调用的机制,实现了一个基于XML.RPC的望远镜自动控制终端系统原型,在不更改RTS2核心代码的基础上,通过其服务层提供的XML.RPC接口实现RTS2的应用扩展,并为后续工作中集成利用RTS2奠定了基础。
An autonomous observation software system is a key component in modern astronomical telescope observation, which has been an important new research direction of technologies in recent years. Among established autonomous observation software systems, the variety of advantages and has received relatively more attention. However, the RTS2 does not function for remote access and control. In this paper, we have an in-depth study on installing autonomous astronomical RTS2 has a provide any in an RTS2 system function callings and data-access interfaces based on the XML-RPC technology. We provide a prototype of a terminal system for autonomous telescope control based on the XML-RPC. We present the details of the source codes including descriptions of interface functions and interface parameters. Our experimental results show that the XML-RPC based methods are simple for expanding the applications of an RTS2 system. These methods couht also be helpful for further development of autonomous observation systems.