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  • 期刊名称:应用与环境生物学报﹒14(1)﹒53-58,2008年2月
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:S932.8[农业科学—渔业资源;农业科学—水产科学]
  • 作者机构:[1]中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室,上海200090
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“东海近海浮游动物对全球变暖的响应”(No.90511005)和中国近海海洋综合调查与评价(908)专项“近海环流变异对主要渔场形成和变迁的影响”(908-02-01-03)温、盐度资料由陈渊泉提供;王云龙等126课题组同志和陈华、高倩、陈佳杰、黄梅玲等同学在海上样品采集、室内样品处理、数据统计等做了大量工作;国家海洋局何德华、扬关铭研究员和扬元利高工协助样品分析.特别感谢沈晓民先生协助处理数据,并在论文构思和写作中给予非常有益的建议和帮助.
  • 相关项目:东海近海浮游动物对全球变暖的响应

根据1997~2000年东海23°30′~33°N、118°30′~128°E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,采用拟合曲线方法,探讨浮游多毛类对温度和盐度的适应特征,分析不同物种的牛态类型。结果表明,东海4季鉴定到种的浮游多毛类共有20种.其中,游蚕(Pelagobis longicirrata)、秀丽浮蚕(Tomopteris elegans)、等须浮蚕(Tomopteris duccii)、方背鳞虫(Lepidonotus squareatus)和岛居拟帚毛虫(Lygdamis nesiotes)等对温度变化小敏感,是广温种;秀丽浮蚕还具有广泛的盐度适应,是广盐种;太平洋浮蚕(Tomopteris pncifica)是热带大洋种,可作为暖流指示种;丝鳃稚齿虫(Prionospio malmgreni)是广温近海种;其它物种为亚热带外海种.与东海大多数浮游动物类群相同,多毛类以亚热带外海种为主.但是多毛类中广温种占有较大的比例,这是该类有别于其它浮游动物类群的重要特征.图2表3参20


Based on the data of four seasonal investigations in the East China Sea (23°30′~33°N、118°30′~128°E) from 1997 to 2000, the environmental adaptation and ecotype of pelagic Polyehaeta in the East China Sea were discussed by applying the yield density model. It is concluded that among the pelagic Polyehaeta species, Pelagobis longicirrata, Tomopteris elegans, Tomopteris duccii, Lepidonotus squamatus and Lygdamis nesiotes were eurythermic species since they distributed in waters with totally different temperatures. These species were not sensitive to temperature change and no clearly optimal temperatures were found. With wide salinity adaptation, Tomopteris elegans was also euryhalinous species. Tomopteris pacifica was identified as oceanic tropical water species because of its high optimal temperature and optimal salinity ( near to 34). Normally, it distributed in warm current water and its high abundance was a good indicator of warm current. Prionospio malmgreni was a coastal eurythermie specie and the other species were all offshore subtropical water species. In general, Polychaeta were mainly characterized by warm water, but still consisted of some eurythermic species. Fig 2, Tab 3, Ref 20

期刊论文 72 会议论文 11