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  • 期刊名称:动物学杂志 ﹒41(2)﹒1-8,2006年4月
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:S922.93[农业科学—渔业资源;农业科学—水产科学] Q958[生物学—动物学]
  • 作者机构:[1]中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室,上海100090
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(No.90511005),近海海洋综合调查与评价专项(No.908-02-01-03);致谢陈渊泉研究员、袁骐、蒋玫、韩金娣、朱江兴等同志在海上样品采集、室内样品处理、数据统计等做了大量的工作,海洋局何德华、杨关铭研究员和杨元利高工协助样品分析,谨致谢忱.特别感谢沈晓民先生协助处理数据,并在论文构思中提供了非常有益的建议.
  • 相关项目:东海近海浮游动物对全球变暖的响应

根据1997~2000年东海(23°30’~33°00'N,118°30’~128°00’E)海域4个季节海洋调查资料,对东海浮游等足类和涟虫类种类的组成、数量变化及地理分布等特征作了探讨。结果表明,调查海域出现浮游等足类2种,其中圆柱水虱(Cirolanasp.)在东海等足类数量中具有绝对优势(占总丰度的98%),中国急游水虱(Tachaeachlnensis)是稀有种。等足类主要在夏季出现,并分布在东海近海。浮游涟虫类主要分布在台湾海峡和东海南部海域。浮游涟虫类有4种,细长涟虫(Iphinoe tenera)和萨氏异涟虫(Heterocuma sarsi)在3个季节出现,丰度和出现率较高,是东海涟虫类的常见种;无尾涟虫(Leueon sp.)在2个季节出现,丰度和出现率与前2个种相似,是次常见种。卵圆涟虫(Bodotria ovalis)仅出现在秋季,数量和出现率极低,是稀有种。细长涟虫、萨氏异涟虫和无尾涟虫都是暖水种。相比之下,无尾涟虫有更广泛的适温能力。卵圆涟虫在盐度较低的长江口出现,是一个近岸种。


Based on data of four seasonal surveys, 1997 - 2000 data, in the East China Sea (23°30' - 33°00'N, 118° 30' - 128°00'E), this paper deals with species composition, seasonal variation and geographical distribution of pelagic Isopoda and Cumaeea. Results show that two species of Isopoda and four species of Cumaeea were identified in the samples. Among them, Cirolana sp. is an absolute dominant species (98% of Isopoda). Tachaea chinensis is a rare species. Of Isopoda abundance, over 70% occurred in summer and 80% was found in nearshore. Meanwhile Cumaeea mainly distributed in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent south waters, Iphinoe tertera and Heterocuma sarsi are common species of Cumaeea in the East China Sea because they occurred in three seasons with relatively high abundance and occurrence frequency. Leueon sp. is subordinate species because it occurred only in two seasons with the occurrence frequency same as the former two species. Bodotria ovalis is rare species with one seasonal present, extremely low abundance and occurrence frequency. Leueon sp. , lphinoe tenera and Heterocuma sarsi are warm water species among which Leueon sp. can adapt lower temperature. Bodotria ovalis is a nearshore species because it occurred in the Changjiang Estuary waters with low salinity.

期刊论文 72 会议论文 11