Based on the data of 8 common ligneous plants in Nanjing, the variation of inflorescence of plants was analyzed. The results showed that: 1) the inflorescence of Armeniacamume Sieb. cv. Viridicalyx and Armeniacamume Sieb.var. bungo(Mak.) Yu et Lu appear earlier which can be found on March, while the blooming date of Lagerstroemia indica L. and Camptotheca acuminate Decne. was found late which always occurs in summer.. And the Lagerstroemia indica L. has a longer flowering phase while Prunusyedoensis Matsum. and Cerasuslannesiana Makino var. hatazakura Wils. have a short flowering phase; 2) The variabilities of florescence of ligneous plants vary greatly and the accumulated temperature has a great impact on florescence of ligneous plants in Nanjing, especially for the florescence in spring; 3) Accumulated temperature can be applied to the prediction of florescence of ligneous plants in Nanjing. The study might make a contribution to researching the evolution rule of ligneous plants in Nanjing, as well as provide data for forecasting florescence when people are choosing tree species in urban landscaping.