利用1980—2012年南京市近80种常见木本植物花期物候资料,分析了南京市主要木本植物始花、盛花、末花及花期演变规律。结果发现:1对南京市常见植物花序进行分析,开花最早的植物有迎春、绿萼梅、杏梅等,多年平均开花日在3月1日,开花最晚的植物蜡梅平均开花日期为12月20日,而桂花和栾树分别在9月28日和8月27日左右始开花;忍冬科接骨木、虎耳草科阴绣球、茜草科水杨梅等花期最长,达30 d以上;2近30年来南京市木本植物始花和末花发生时间总体上有提前的趋势,具体表现为花期大约每10 a提前5 d左右,而南京椴更是每10 a提前8 d,且近10年来花期提前趋势更为明显。
Based on the data of about 80 common ligneous plants in Nanjing,the florescence variation of plants was analyzed. The results showed that: 1 The florescence of Winter jasmine,Flos mume and Japanese apricot appeared earlier which could be found on 1stMarch,while the blooming date of Chimonanthus praecox was the last which always occured on 20 thDecember. Osmanthus fragrans and Koelreuteria paniculata were found blooming on 28 thSeptember and 27 thAugust,respectively,Sambucus willamsii Hance,and Hydrangea macrophylla had the longest flowering phase which was more than 30 days; 2 there was a forward tendency(- 5 d /10 a) of the initial and late blossom time during last 30 years. Particularly,the blooming time of Tilia miqueliana Maxim was 8 d /10 a in advance,and the increasing trend had been more obvious since the year of 2 000. This study might make a contribution to study researching the evolution rule of ligneous plants in Nanjing,as well as to provide data for forecasting florescence when people are choosing tree species in urban landscaping.