One of the keys to improving social security level is to raise rural endowment insurance level. The new rural endowment insurance has improved the level of old - age insurance in rural areas and social security for the whole country. Largely affected by the limit of the new rural endowment insur- ance coverage and the below- moderate -level pension payment, the role of rural endowment insur- ance in improving the level of social security has not been fully realized. Results from this study suggest that in the context of moderate rural old - age insurance level, personal account would increase nation- al pension and social security level by 2.7% and 1.48% respectively, personal account and basic pen- sion would increase national pension and social security level by 4. 12% and 2. 96% respectively, and pension insurance and family pension would increase national pension and social security level by 4. 78% and 3.81% respectively for each year between 2012 to 2050. The moderate ~evel of rural en- dowment insurance has positive effects on narrowing the urban -rural gap and improving the level of social security.