脑电相位同步可以反应大脑不同功能区域之间的连接性能,是当前脑科学研究中最活跃的课题之一。平行坐标作为信息可视化的主流技术,在可视化数据分析和模式识别领域有广泛应用。本文以脑机接口竞赛的运动想象脑电数据(Data Ⅲ)为对象,以平行坐标可视化技术为手段,基于相位同步指数和线性判别分类器对左右手想象意识任务进行识别。结果表明,信息可视化技术为脑机接口系统的实现提供新的思路。
EEG phase synchronization, which is considered the representation of the brain functional connective status, is one of the most active research domain. Parallel coordinates is one of the main technology of information visualization and is widely used in visual data analysis and pattern recognition. For the data provided by BCI competition (Data Ⅲ), the parallel coordinates visualization method is used to recognize the imaginary fight and left hand movements based on the phase synchronization coherency index and linear discriminant analysis. The results show that the information visualization technology can provide a new idea to realize the BCI system.