从实验室保藏的11种红曲霉中,筛选出高产γ-氨基丁酸的红曲霉CH-1菌株.研究了发酵温度、时间、接种量、谷氨酸钠添加量等发酵条件对红曲霉CH-1产GABA含量的影响.经单因素实验及正交试验后得出红曲霉CH-1发酵大米产γ-氨基丁酸的较佳发酵条件为:发酵温度30℃,发酵时间9 d,接种量17%,谷氨酸钠添加量0.10 g,在此条件下,红曲霉CH-1发酵大米产GABA为1.93 mg/g,经高效液相色谱检测,桔霉素含量为0.01μg/g,低于国家标准1μg/g,可利用该产品开发更多形式的红曲食品.
To screen high GABA-producing Monascus strains from the laboratory, effects of Monascus inoculum, temperature, time, and the sodium glutamate content on GABA production were studied. Taking the production of GABA as the index, single factors and the orthogonal experiment were implemented to attain the optimum fermentation conditions, the temperature of Monascus CH-1 30 ℃ , optimum fermentation time nine days, optimum inoculation 17% , and optimum dosage of sodium glutamate 0.10 g. The GABA yield by Monascus CH-1 was 1.93 mg/g and the eitrinin content was 0. 01 μg/g below the national standards. The more forms of red kojic rice food product can be developed.