An artificial bee colony (ABC)neural network ensemble method is presented in this paper. It differs from traditional NNE method in following aspects : ( 1 ) the generation of individuals of neural network ensemble is realised in such a way, that the artificial bee col ony algorithm is used to optimise the structure and connection right of 3tier BP neural network at first, then the optimised network structure and connection right will be used as the structure and primary connection right of the new network respectively, at last the generation com pletes from a new round of BP neural network training. (2) In order to increase the difference between the individuals of the ensemble, all the individuals are classified first, and then ABC algorithm is employed for optimal combinatorial searching on every individual, and the mean of a combination with lowest correlation coefficient will be selected as the representative of that class, finally the average ensemble is derived based on the representatives of different classes. In prediction test on the intensity of Western Pacific tropical cyclone, the generalisation ca pability of the artificial bee colonyneural network ensemble method proposed in this paper is significantly better than the single neural net work, and is also superior to the ensemble methods of Bagging and AdaBoost. It is a neural network ensemble prediction method with high ap plied value.