【目的】开发与甘蓝枯萎病抗性基因紧密连锁的SCAR标记,利用该标记对甘蓝抗枯萎病基因跟踪、鉴定,为甘蓝抗枯萎病分子标记辅助选择奠定基础。【方法】以高抗枯萎病的甘蓝自交系8024与感病自交系6A为亲本构建F2代分离群体和相应F3代家系,通过F3代家系抗病性分离表现确认F2代单株的基因型,选择10株纯合基因型显性抗病单株和10株纯合基因型隐性感病单株,利用BSA法构建甘蓝抗感基因池,筛选出与甘蓝枯萎病抗性基因紧密连锁的AFLP标记,克隆测序后根据序列差异将其转化为SCAR标记,通过142株F2代分离群体连锁验证该标记与甘蓝枯萎病抗性基因的连锁关系,并利用两个不同的抗感分离F2群体共100株对SCAR标记的通用性进行验证。[结果]获得了1个以相斥相连锁的SCAR标记S46M48 199,该标记在感病亲本中扩增出199bp的单一条带,而在抗病亲本中无扩增条带,142株F2代分离群体连锁分析表明,其遗传距离为2.78cM,在F66和c1两个F2群体中的通用性验证结果,与抗性鉴定结果的吻合率分别为81%和83%。【结论】开发的SCAR标记可用于甘蓝抗枯萎病的分子标记辅助育种。
[ Objective ] The objective of the experiment is to develop a SCAR(sequence characterized amplified region) marker of Fusarium wilt resistant gene FOC-1 in cabbage. [ Method ] Bulked segregation analysis (BSA) DNA pools were constructed by F2 individuals derived from the cross between resistant ‘8024'× susceptible '6A' cross. An AFLP marker genetically linked to the Fusarium wilt resistant gene was identified and it was converted into a more valuable and simple SCAR marker S46M48199 consequently. Genetic linkage between S46M48199 and FOC-1 was analyzed by using 142 F2 progenies. The validity and practicality of S46M48199 was verified in two different cabbage F2 populations F66 and C 1. [ Result ] One stable SCAR marker S46M48199 linked in repulsion to the dominant resistant allele at 2.78 cM from the FOC-1 locus was developed successfully. The validity and practicality of S46M48199 in two other populations revealed significant consistency with phenotype assay (81% and 83%, respectively). [ Conclusion ] The SCAR marker developed in this study could be used for MAS of Fusarium wilt resistance in cabbage.