基于AVL电机测试台架,设计并搭建了电动汽车驱动电机测试平台,借助PUMA OPEN系统,通过设计自动控制序列程序对电动汽车用永磁同步电机的稳态和动态特性等进行了自动化测试。结果表明,被测样机的功率输出稳定、效率高,转速、转矩动态响应速度快,其稳态和动态特性能够满足电动汽车用驱动电机的特殊性能要求;测试数据为电机逆变器和控制器的设计和开发提供了参考依据。整个试验采用PUMA OPEN自动化测试系统,实现了驱动电机的快速精确测试,具有简化操作流程、缩短测试周期和提高测试精度等诸多优势。
The steady and dynamic characteristics of drive motors have a great impact on power and economy of electric vehicles. A detailed and accurate measurement is the basis for the design of high performance controller. The automatic control test sequences is designed based on PUMA OPEN automation system,and the steady and dynamic characteristics of permanent magnet synchronous motor( PMSM) for electric vehicles are tested in the AVL motor testbed,by designing and building drive motor test platform. The results indicate that the tested PMSM meets the specific requirements for electric vehicle drive motors,and the results also provide a reference for the design and development of motor inverter and controller. Testing process shows that PUMA OPEN automation system can quickly achieve automated tests of motors with a series of advantages,such as simplified operating procedures,shortened test cycles,and high accuracy.