Locality Sensitive Hashing ( LSH ) owns nice asymptotic performance bounds on query cost and space consumption for similarity search problem in high-dimensional spaces. In traditional analysis model, LSH is regarded as a randomized algorithm, where the only source of uncertainty is the random choice of hash functions. The research calls the probability of collision obtained under this model the hash-function?based collision probability. The paper conducts the theoretical analysis of LSH using a different model. The motivations are that 1) in the existing analysis model , for the purpose of achieving the ideal performance ,one has to generate a random data structure for each query, which is obviously unaffordable in practice;2) the performance metric that practitioners are interested in is the expected success probability of a random query over a single randomly generated data structure. To this end, the paper analytically derives the probability of collision that random pairs of data points collide over any single hash function for hamming distance. So the research calls the probability of collision derived following this model the random-input?based collision probability. Also, the paper proves that these two kinds of collision probabilities are exactly equivalent.