Based on kerosene/air single-tube aero-valve pulse detonation engine (PDE), a whole test system of kerosene/air triple-tube aero-valve PDE is established. In a triple-tube aero-valve PDE composed of each detonation tube 100 mm in inner diameter and 2 000 mm in length, with heated liquid kerosene and low-pollution air filled into the tubes as detonable mixture, a multi-cycle detonation test is carried out. The scheduling operation of triple-tube PDE at total frequency of 30 Hz can be guaranteed, and the fully-developed Chapman-Jouguet (CJ) detonation waves are obtained in each detonation tube successfully. Moreover, the influence of common inlet on detonable mixture filling, and the detonation wave pressure property of triple-tube aero-valve PDE at different total frequencies are investigated. The results lay the foundation for investigating deeply the performance of multi-tube PDE and supply the preliminary design theory to explore the feasibility of pulse detonation-turbofan combined engine(PDTE).