沙柳木蠹蛾(Holcocerus arenicola staudinger)是为害沙柳(Salix psammophila)根部的一种钻蛀性害虫。通过对沙柳木蠹蛾羽化行为、性比和寿命的调查,对各日龄雌蛾求偶和交尾发生时间的统计分析,明确了沙柳木蠹蛾性行为的动态节律。结果表明:沙柳木蠹蛾在19:00~21:00羽化最为集中;雌雄性比平均为0.66∶1;成虫平均寿命4.8±2.2d,其中雌蛾的寿命稍高于雄蛾。雌蛾在进入暗期1~2h内求偶行为明显,最大求偶百分率出现在羽化后的第二晚。1日龄成虫的交配高峰在暗周期的前2h,而2~4日龄成虫的交配高峰是在暗期的1h内;交配持续的平均时间为38.41±11.42min。随着蛾龄的增大,雌虫的求偶和交配行为发生的时间提前。沙柳木蠹蛾的性活动高峰出现在羽化后连续3个暗周期的前半段,可作为利用性信息素防治沙柳木蠹蛾最佳时段的参考依据。
Holcocerus arenicola staudinger is a serious root boring pest of Salix psarnmophila. In this paper, the eclo- sion behaviors, sex ratio and life span were studied. Calling and mating behaviors were investigated. The results showed that eclosion peak was from 19:00 to 21:00. The average sex ratio of male to female is 0.66 : 1. The average longevity of adult moth is 4.8+2.2 d, and the female moths live longer than males. Calling activity was initiated dur- ing 1 ~2 h of the scotophase, and the maximum calling occurred during the 2nd night after emergence. The maximum mating of 1-day-old females occurred during the 2nd hour o{ the scotophase, while the mating peak of 2~4 days old a- dults was in the 1st hour after lights off. Mating lasted for 38.41_+11.42 min. The calling and mating occurred earlier as females got older. The female extracts with notable attractive activity in the forest indicated that the sex pheromone played a key role in reproduction of Holcocerus arenicola. The result that the sexual activity of Holcocerus arenicola peaked in the first half of the three scotophase after emergence can be used as a reference for control Holcocerus arenicola by using its sex pheromone.