Using global Palmer drought severity index (PDSI) database, the seasonal and annual PDSI mean values of 56 grid points covering the period 1953-2003 over northwestern China is analyzed by rotated experience orthogonal function (REOF). The results show that the seasonal and annual means display similar anomaly regions, and furthermore there are five main anomaly regions in the northwestern China based on the annual PDSI mean, i.e., the northem and southem parts of Xinjiang, northem part of plateau, westem part of Inner Mongolia and eastem part of northwestem China. The opposite changes of dry-wet conditions are discovered after comparing the curves of feature point series and binomial fit between the eastem and westem parts of the northwestem China: The westem part of the northwestem China influenced by westerly, a trend of wetting gradually occurred since 1980. On the contrary, a trend of drying gradually occurred in the eastern part of the northwestern China which is mainly influenced by Asian monsoon, and especially in summer and autumn, there is notable trend of drying over the southeastem part of the northwestem China. The northwestem China is obviously affected by westerly, Asian monsoon and Tibetan Plateau. There are differences among the responses of the dry-wet conditions to the global warming in different regions.