Based on the concepts of fractal super fibers, the (3,9 + 2)-circle and (9 + 2,3)-circle bi- nary fractal sets were abstracted from such prototypes as wool fibers and human hairs, with the (3)- circle and the (9 + 2)-circle fractal sets as subsets. As far as the (9 + 2) topological patterns are concemed, the following propositions were proved: The (9 + 2) topological patterns acogat~ly exist, but theyare of no uniqueness. Their total number is 9. Among them there are only 2 allotropes. In anoth- er word, among the 9 topological patterns only 2 are independent (or fundamental). Besides, it was demonstrated that the (3,9 + 2 ) -circle and (9 + 2,3 ) -circle fractal sets are golden ones with symmetry breaking.