根据上海广富林地区广富林遗址IT1238和IT0446剖面的孢粉记录,并根据“C数据和遗址层位所建立的年代标尺,通过孢粉分析结果表明,在5300cal.a B.P.之前,本区尚无人类活动的迹象,遗址点周围主要生长由栎树和榆科等植物构成的常绿和落叶阔叶混交林,气候温暖湿润。良渚文化中前期,在花粉谱上出现了农作物的证据,说明当地已有人类进驻,并开展农业活动;大量水生植物花粉的分布说明当时水体面积扩大,降水量增多。良渚文化晚期以后,栎树林几近消失,水生植物减少,而蒿、藜增加,可能是由于水体面积的减少,以及区域气候变得干冷所致。广富林遗存、战国和东汉文化层时期的状况,在一定程度上延续了良渚文化晚期的特征。在战国和东汉文化层时期,栎树林有所恢复,人类活动在后期有所增强。
Pollen results of profiles IT1238 and IT0446 from Guangfulin in Shanghai were reported. Based on ^14C data and archaeological chronology, pollen records reveal a mixed subtropical evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forest dominated by Quecus and Ulmaceae in the studied area before 5300 cal. a B. P. , indicating a warm-humid climate. There is yet no sign of human activity at that time. Evidence shows the rise of agriculture and expansion of lakes and swamps during the early-mid Liangzhu Culture. During the late Liangzhu Culture, Quecus almost disappeared, while reduced lake and swamp areas with dominant cold-dry climate possibly led to the decline of aquatic herbs and the increase of Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae. This situation remained till the Warring States Period and Dong Han Dynasty when Quecus resumed again, and human influence enhanced in the late Dong Han Dynasty.