T he evolution of porosity and diagenetic environm ent for the favorable reservoir of Paleogene H uagang Form ation in central reversal tectonic belt of Xihu sag of the E ast China Sea continental shelf basin are studied by m eans of thin section identification, scanning electronic m icroscopy, electron m icroprobe, fluid inclusion analysis and carbon & oxygen isotope analysis of laser m icroprobe. It reveals th at the diagenetic environm ent of the H uagang Form aiton experience evolution processes from w eak-alkalinity, w eak-acidity, acidity, acid-alkaline transition, alkalinity to weak-alkalinity successively. The acid fluid medium is dominated by organic acid and meteoric waterplays an assistant role. The evolution processes of the reservoir porosity of the Huagang Formationare also quantitatively calculated and restored. It is indicated that compaction which lasts in the entireburial process is the primary factor of decreasing reservoir porosity. The dissolution during acidenvironment between the early and late alkaline diagenetic environment lead to the formation of deepfavorable reservoir of Huagang Formation in the study area.