With the aid of the technology of core research, thin section identification, homogenization temperature measurement and geochemical analysis, and combined with the recovery result of the heat evolutionary history of the Moxi structure reservoir in Central Sichuan, this paper analyzes the filling sequence of the minerals in the rock holes, and recovers the accumulation phases of Cambrian Longwangmiao Formation. The result shows that the main reservoir rock type is residual dolarenite, and the main reservoir spaces are intercrystal and intergranular pores, but the porosity and permeability of the matrix are low. The sequence and types of minerals filling in the holes and cracks, and the development characteristics of the inclusions of different phases reflect that the Longwangmiao Formation reservoir has experienced at least four phases hydrocarbon accumulation. The first time of hydrocarbon filling occurred in the Middle-Late Triassic, and it is recorded by the homogenization temperature (110 - 133℃) of the inclusions in the fine grain-microcrystalline dolomite. The second time hydrocarbon charge occurred in the Early-Middle Jurassic and is recorded by the homogenization temperature (143-167℃) of the inclusions in the first generation of dolomite. The third time of hydrocarbon filling was a process that the ancient reservoir was cracked into gas under high temperature and is recorded by the second generation bituminous minerals filling in the reservoir pore cracks. The fourth time of hydrocarbon filling occurred in the Middle-Late Cretaceous and is recorded by the homogenization temperature (190- 210℃) of the fluid inclusions in the third generation quartz. These different times and different generations of minerals record the complete sequence and processes of the fluid filling in the hydrocarbon accumulation of the Longwangmiao Formation.