当今网络中,约有一半以上的数据包都是小型数据包,其包头长度占据了数据包总长度的很大一部分比例。大量的小型数据包充斥在网络中,使得很大一部分带宽都在传输包头,大大降低了网络的有效利用率。包头压缩技术能够减小包头大小,以节省带宽。但是,传统的包头压缩技术基于跳-到-跳的方式,其中间节点的多次压缩与解压缩带来了很大延迟。因此,提出一种基于Open Flow的SDN压缩机制,实现了端-到-端的包头压缩,减少了压缩时延,且通过复用压缩包,实现了更大的压缩率。通过设计CID与IP地址之间的映射关系,能够在提供数据包安全性的同时,减少中间Open Flow交换机的流表项。
Flows of small packets increase rapidly in today's network, the overhead introduced by protocol headers of small packets becomes greatly significant, thus reducing the efficiency of the overall network performance. Header compression is an effective way to reduce the size of the packet header and save the bandwidth. However, traditional header compression mechanisms are based on hop-by-hop way, and this needs a long time to process and also lead to fair increases of the delay. In this paper, the SDN concept of header compression and the implementation of end-to-end header compression are described. In addition, via multiplexing of a number of compressed packets and sharing a common network path a greater compression ratio is acqured. A method to map IP addresses to C1D is also proposed, this method could reduce the flow table entries of the intermediate OpenFlow switches while providing the security of the data packets.