AIM: To establish stress adaptation model of mouse fibroblast cell line NIH -3T3 to analyze the effect of stress and adaptation on protein synthesis, and to screen for stress adaptation related proteins. METHODS: A stress - adapted cell model was established by thermal preconditioning (42℃, 20 min). Total cytolytes were separated by 2 - DE, analyzed by PDQUEST software, and the selected differential expression spots were detected by MOLDI - TOF. The effect of stress and adaptation on protein synthesis was studied. The stress adaptation related spots were identified by PMF. RESULTS : Comparative proteomics method by 2 - DE was used to find different distributions of total proteins of heat stress group and thermal preconditioning group. Expression - increased protein spots were found almost limited in low molecular weight range in directly stress group, whereas expression - increased protein spots in thermal preconditioning group have more extensive molecular weight distribution. PMF results showed that tubulinβ, vimentin, eIF -4AI, Enol protein might be related to stress adaptation. CONCLUSION: 2 - DE analysis suggested, cell might favor to synthesize low small molecular weight protein to deal with hostile stress. Cellular protein storage might be increased by preconditioning, and may play a protection role during successive stress. The increased expression of tubulinβ, vimentin, eIF- 4AI, Enol protein suggests that cytoskeletons, protein synthesis pathway and glycometabolism pathway may play an important role in stress adaption.