Atmospheric CO2 concentration was continuously measured at Xianggelila background station by Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy system from September 2010 to August 2011. The average background concentrations during spring, summer, autumn and winter were 394.78 × 10-6( mole ratio, the same below), 386.82 × 10 -6, 386.46× 10 -6 and 390.74 × 10 -6, respectively. The monthly average variation reached a maximum in April-May period and a minimum in July with the amplitude to be about 12.22×10-6. The hourly average CO2 concentration exhibited evident diurnal variation with maximal values around 7 : 00 and minimal around 14 : 00-17 : 00 during all the seasons. The daily variation amplitude was the lowest in the winter ( 1.51 ×10-6) and the highest in the summer (21.82 × 10-6). Evident decrease of CO2 concentration was usually observed when the surface wind came from the west to south sector. Combined with the observed CO2 concentrations, cluster analysis of 3 day backward trajectories ending at full hour suggested that the air mass from south-west obviously reduced the observed CO2 concentrations during spring, summer and autumn. However, in the winter, the decrease was not apparent because of the lower emissions from the local vegetation than the other seasons.