Sedimentation model tests were carried out on four clays for investigating the sedimentation behavior of slurries with high water content. The test results show that the settling curves can be divided into two types, called Consolidation settling and Deposition settling, respectively. Deposition settling takes place when the initial water content of slurries is larger than Soil formation water content and the states of these slurries in Deposition state. When Deposition settling take place, Slurries would undergo flocculation, hinder settling, consolidation in settlement processes. Consolidation settling takes place when the initial water content of slurries is lower than Soil formation water content and the states of these slurries in consolidation state. For clay, the settling rate of Hinder settling increases with the initial water content and the liquid limit of clay increasing but settling time increases with relative initial water content decreasing and with the liquid limit of clay increasing. Furthermore, the soil formation water content of clay is about 9 times of liquid limits. For silts, The soil formation water content of silt are about 3 times of liquid limits and settling time less than clays' significantly.