Part-load Performance Characteristics of a Lean Burn Catalytic Combustion Gas Turbine System
- ISSN号:1003-2169
- 期刊名称:Journal of Thermal Science
- 时间:2013.4
- 页码:159-167
- 分类:U271.91[机械工程—车辆工程;交通运输工程—载运工具运用工程;交通运输工程—道路与铁道工程] TU831.4[建筑科学—供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程]
- 作者机构:[1]Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, [2]China Architecture and Building Press
- 相关基金:This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51206160).
- 相关项目:贫燃催化燃烧燃气轮机系统的动态过程协调控制策略研究
部分负荷性能, 轮机系统, 性能特点, 催化燃烧, 燃气, 稀燃, 速度控制模式, 部分负荷特性, Lean burn catalytic combustion, gas turbine, part-load characteristics, control mode