本文研究了龙爪槐花和其所含的主要糖类对异色瓢虫成虫寿命的影响。室内用龙爪槐花饲养的异色瓢虫雌、雄成虫平均寿命分别为10.96和10.83 d,显著长于龙爪槐叶上成虫寿命(雌:3.98 d,雄:3.65 d);室外龙爪槐花序上生长的异色瓢虫成虫平均寿命(雌性:14.72 d,雄性:15.46 d)也显著高于枝条上的个体(雌:3.90 d,雄:3.82 d)。补充葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖和麦芽糖4种糖液,能显著延长异色瓢虫成虫寿命。龙爪槐花含糖量较高的花粉与花蜜是异色瓢虫成虫的适宜食物、能维持其种群发生,是花期龙爪槐上虽没有蚜虫发生、但仍有高密度异色瓢虫成虫的主要原因。
In this paper, we tested the effect of Chinese pagoda tree Sophora japonica f. pendula flowers and their main sugars on longevity of Harmonia axyridis adults. Adults provided with S. japonica flowers had longer average longevity(female: 10.96 d, male: 10.83 d) than those only with leaves(female: 3.98 d, male: 3.65 d) under laboratory conditions. Similarly, adults longevity was significantly longer on inflorescences(female: 14.72 d, male: 15.46 d) than on branches(female: 3.90 d, male: 3.82 d) under field conditions. When the adults were provided with each of the four sugars(glucose, fructose, sucrose and maltose) as nutrient supplement, their longevity prolonged significantly. The results indicate that the pollen and nectar from S. japonica flower rich in sugars are suitable food sources for H. axyridis adults, and may play a key role in sustaining populations of the predatory ladybeetle when aphid prey is absent.