随着点源污染的逐步控制,农业非点源污染已成为世界范围内关注的热点,由于其特有的时空异质性特点导致对其进行有效控制较为困难,最佳管理措施(BMPs,Best Management Practices)是实现流域农业非点源污染控制的有效手段,对拟实施的BMPs效率进行评估是实施流域非点源污染BMPs配置的前提。通过模型模拟的方法可对拟采用的不同措施的削减效率及经济成本进行评估以获取最具成本-效益的BMPs空间配置方案,为措施有效选择提供依据。通过对多种模型在工程型和管理型BMPs评估方面的研究进行论述表明,通常概念化模型多用于对污染源控制类措施进行评估,而机制类模型则可用于对不同时空尺度下的过程控制类BMPs进行评估;措施效率发挥的时间滞后性及模型模拟不确定性是模型模拟过程中需要重点考虑的问题,可通过增加野外监测点数量、监测频率、优化监测点位置并选择合适的评估指标以降低模型评估BMPs过程中滞后效应的影响;此外BMPs实施时间与空间位置的不匹配、时空尺度异质性、污染物形态及生态系统服务功能转换风险均需在BMPs评估过程中加以考虑。模型模拟是BMPs效率评估(包括非点源污染关键源区的时空识别)、污染物迁移转化以及成本效益分析的有效工具,同时对于流域非点源污染管理控制及BMPs实施利益相关者有效参与问题的分析也具有重要意义。
With the development of point source pollution control, Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution (AGNPS) issues have become increasingly prominent worldwide. Non-point source pollution is difficult to control because it comes from the everyday activities of many different people, such as fertilizing a lawn, using a pesticide, or constructing a road or building. Recently, the agricultural non-point source pollution control has become a hotspot in the water research. As a common tool used to reduce non-point source pollution, Best management practices (BMPs) have been widely adopted to improve water quality problems associated with agricultural nonpoint source pollution, however, there have been few realistic efforts to assess their effectiveness in reducing AGNPS pollution. The effectiveness of BMPs must be evaluated at various spatial and temporal scales before adoption. Models are more comprehensive that can reflect choice of mitigation at a widely range of scales and then to achieve the best cost-effectiveness selection and placement of BMPs for non-point source pollution control. In this paper, we review some models used to assess the effectiveness of BMPs for agricultural non-point source pollution control, including non-structure practices and structure practices. The conceptual models mostly used to evaluate the impact of source control measures, while the physically-based models used to evaluate the BMPs that through control the timing and location, the response time and the transport and transformation of pollutants. The lag time between adoption of management changes and the detection of measurable improvement in water quality in the target water body are extremely important for the BMPs estimation as well as the model evaluation and validation. Models can be served as an effective tool to identify timing and critical non-point source pollution areas for target actions at different spatial scales. Other issues of critical importance include minimizing pollution swapping and assessing the cost-effe