Noise prediction using high-order numerical method is one of the most interested research top-ics in CFD.HDCS-E8T7 scheme is a seventh-order hybrid linear compact dissipative scheme.This scheme o-vercomes the disadvantage that many high-order finite difference schemes may have when geometric conser-vation law (GCL)is not satisfied,the numerical instability phenomenon may be avoided when the HDCS-E8T7 is applied to solve aeroacoustic problem in complex geometry.In the present high-order numerical noise prediction method,the spatial discretization adopts HDCS-E8T7 scheme and its boundary schemes have suitable accuracy comparing with the interior scheme.High-order multi-step Runge-Kutta and dual stepping scheme are employed for time integration,high-order interface boundary scheme is developed to extend the present method to multi-block point matched grid which meets the need of solving problem in complex geom-etry and the turbulence is handled by the concept of implicit large eddy simulation.Based on this method, the effect of GCL on the numerical solutions is studied.The importance of satisfying the GCL on complex grid for high-order simulation is illuminated.Some typical noise cases,such as vortex convection,scattering of acoustic waves by multiple cylinder,sound radiated by a rod-airfoil configuration and jet noise from noz-zle,are investigated.The solutions of these tests show that the presented method has high prediction accura-cy and potential application for handling aeroacoustic problem on complex geometry.