由于无线传感器网络节点的资源受限,大部分公钥加密算法被认为无法适用。最近的研究则显示椭圆曲线加密算法ECC(Elliptic Curve Cryptography)在无线传感器节点上运算可行,基于身份的公钥密码体制IBE也因此成为研究热点,但尚无出现完整的解决方案。在分析面向TinyOS的公钥算法相关研究工作基础上,设计实现了一套基于Tate对的身份公钥加密系统TinyIBE。首先给出椭圆曲线选择及Tate对参数优化过程,再设计在线和离线PKG两种应用方案,最后在MICA2节点上给出测试结果。
Due to the node resource limit for wireless sensor networks (WSN), the public key algorithms are generally considered not suitable. However, more recent research shows that implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography on sensor nodes is acceptable. Therefore, Identity-based Encryption study on WSN is very hot recently, but till now there are no full solutions proposed. The state-of-the-art research on public key techniques on TinyOS is reviewed, and a Tate Pairing-based encryption system, TinylBE, is proposed. The optimization process for elliptic curves and pairing parameters selection is first described, then two encryption application schemes, namely with online or offline PKG, are designed, and finally our solution is implemented and tested on the MICA2 node.