设Fi(x)是R^p上总体Xi的分布函数,1≤i≤k.考虑假设问题H0:F1(x)=F2(x)=…=Fk(x),( )x∈R^p,构造了一个检验统计量xn^2,并证明当H0成立时,其渐近分布是自由度为k-1的x^2分布.
Let Fi(x)be the distribution function of the given population Xi on R^P,1≤i≤k.Consider the following hypothesis H0:F1(x)=F2(x)=…=Fk(x),for all x∈R^p. The authors construct a test statistic xn^2 and show that its asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis is the x^2 distribution with k-1 degrees of freedom as the size of sample tends to infinity.