本文针对Ho提出的基于TDOA(Time Difference ofArrival)与GROA(Gain Ratio of Arrival)信号源定位的代数闭式解,提出两种偏差消减方法.首先对其闭式解偏差进行了推导,然后给出BiasRed法与BiasSub法两种偏差消减算法,BiasSub法从Ho给出的解中直接减去期望偏差,BiasRed法通过分析误差表达方程并引入次约束来提升定位估计精度;分析表明两种方法均可针对远距离信号源,在较小高斯误差情况下有效消减定位偏差,BiasRed法可将偏差降低到最大似然估计算法的水平;计算机仿真分析验证了所提算法的性能.
We proposed two methods to reduce the bias of the well-known algebraic closed-form solution for source localiza- tion proposed by Ho using both TDOA(Time Difference of Arrival) and GROA(Gain Ratio of Arrival). The paper starts by deriv- ing the bias of the source location estimate from Ho' s solution. Two methods,called BiasSub and BiasRed, are developed to reduce the bias. The BiasSub method directly subtracts the expected bias from the solution of Ho. The BiasRed method augments the equa- tion error formulation and imposes a constraint to improve the source location estimate. Analysis shows that both methods reduce the bias considerably for distant source when the noise is Gaussian and small. The BiasRed method is able to lower the bias to the same level as the maximum likelihood estimator. Simulations corroborate the performance of the proposed methods.