To solve fault-tolerant problem in 2D-Mesh Network-on-Chip (NoC) with more than one fault node, a novel fault-tolerant routing algorithm without virtual channels is proposed on the basis of 21rang' s algorithm. The algorithm use Built-in Self Test (BIST) mechanism to get fault nodes' location information. Then, by optimizing the fault-tolerant slxategy, the traffic loads on the boundaries of fault region can be balanced and the transmission distance of the packets routing around the faults is shortened. Simulation results in 8 x 8 2D-Mesh NoC show that, as the change of fault block in position, the proposed algorithm can improve network injection rate by 1.2% to 4.8% compared to Chen' s algorithm when the fault region is 2 x 2, network latency is 70 cycles.Moreover, with the increase in area of the fault region,proposed algorithm provides a better performance in reducing com- munication latency and increasing network throughlaut.