为观察研究沿海地区室外大气氡浓度的水平和变化规律,以青岛地区2006年9月—2009年8月3年间采用连续测量装置获取的室外大气氡浓度的16 817个数据为研究对象,对日变化规律、季节变化规律及其成因进行了统计分析。青岛地区室外大气氡浓度的年平均值为(5.0±3.0)Bq/m3。日变化规律中,最高值一般出现于清晨,最低值一般出现于傍晚。季节变化规律中,最高值出现在12月,最低值出现在6月,统计分析表明此变化规律与青岛典型的海洋性季风气候密切相关。
To study the variation and levels of atmospheric radon concentration in Qingdao area,continuous measurements were performed hourly over a three-year period from September 2006 to August 2009.With 16 817 measured data,levels and variations were analyzed,and the trend in diurnal and annual variations was studied.The average concentration of atmospheric radon in Qingdao area is(5.0±3.0) Bq/m3.The average diurnal pattern of radon concentration showed that diurnal maximum appears in the early morning,and the minimum appears in late afternoon.The annual pattern features a maximum in December and a minimum in June,which is closely related to the maritime monsoon climate in Qingdao.