In order to study the edge effect and dynamics of dominant species of ground-dwelling spiders, an investigation was conducted in soybean fields in Xiuyan, Liaoning province using pitfall traps. We collected 3312 adult spiders, belong- ing to 38 species, 23 genera and 11 families. Among of which, Lycosidae and Linyphiidae were dominant families; Alopeco- sa albostriata, Pardosa chionophila, Pardosa hedini, Hylyphantes gramlnicola and Erigone koshiensis were dominant spe- cies. The number of the spiders and the dominant in the edge and the interior of the soybean fields were varied. The number of species, Margalef' s species richness (D) and Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H') were descended from the edge to the interior, which indicated that ground-dwelling spiders were affected obviously by edge effect. The community similarity anal- ysis also confirmed the resuh. Moreover, the intercropping of soybean and corn could significantly improve the Pielou even- ness index, but had little effect on species diversity and abundance. Dynamic analysis of the dominant species showed an obviously dynamic change to ground-dwelling spiders in soybean fields.