目前尚没有可靠的埃博拉病毒(Ebola virus,EBOV)疫苗和特异性治疗药物.2014年埃博拉病毒病在西非的爆发和肆虐警醒人类,需要加快对该病的防控研究.近几年,在EBOV小分子抑制剂的研究方面取得了较好的进展,有的已进入临床试验阶段.小分子化合物通常是针对病毒致病作用的某种机制而设计,是一个很有发展前途的研究领域.本文从抑制EBOV和其他病毒在生活周期中的穿入细胞、复制和出芽等方面综述EBOV小分子抑制剂的研究进展.
There is no licensed vaccine or therapeutics specific to Ebola virus(EBOV) currently.The outbreak strike of Ebola virus disease(EVD) in west Africa in 2014 has brought an urgent need for the study on precautions of EVD.Small molecule inhibitors of EBOV have recently become attractive,with some of them being applied in pre-clinical trial stage.Small molecule compounds are usually designed for some mechanism of the viral pathogenesis that may be shared among different viruses,and thus display an interesting broad-spectrum of anti-viral effect.The present review would summarize the research progress on EBOV small molecule inhibitors,which block some process of the viral life cycle such as viral entry,replication and budding.