For an accurate characterization of fiber dispersion,we propose a swept-frequency measurement of chromatic dispersion based on the phase-intensity modulation conversion in a dispersive optical fiber. In principle, the fiber dispersion introduces additional phase shifts and causes the periodical fading of the phase-modulated signal, which allows to determine the dispersion from the fading frequency. In practice, the fading signals are very noisy and unstable due to close to the unavoidable noise floor,which makes it very difficult to precisely determine the notch frequencies. For an improved accuracy of characteristic notch frequency,the polynomial fitting of the fading curve is adopted in our method. In the experiment, our method is verified by long and short fibers with different amounts of dispersion. Experimental results show that our measurement holds a relative error of less than 0.22%. Moreover,our method is applica- ble for the chromatic dispersion measurement at different operating wavelengths and dispersive fibers on- ly by using a vector network analyzer and an optical phase modulator,and it gives both the value and the sign of the chromatic dispersion with very simple configuration.