本文借助孙卫国课题组建立的能精确计算双原子分子R线系发射谱线的物理公式,利用实验上获得的低振动态跃迁谱线数据研究了电极材料VN分子电子态f1Φ–a1Δ以及电子态d1∑+–X3Δ1等跃迁体系的(0,0)跃迁带的R线系发射谱线. 从理论上预言了实验上难以获得的该跃迁带R线系高振转激发态的跃迁结构,为急需VN分子内部结构的其他研究领域提供了重要的结构信息. 从这些公式出发,我们定义了表征实验测定谱线对新谱线的贡献度C(contribution)参数,进一步分析了高激发振转跃迁谱线的相互依赖关系,结果表明该物理公式不仅很好地复现了已知的实验数据,正确地预言了实验未能测定的高激发振转跃迁谱线,而且还能了解不同实验谱线对新谱线的贡献程度,基于这些贡献度,实验学家可以将有限的资源更好地进行分配,重点研究那些贡献度大的振转跃迁谱线.
Vanadium nitride is an important metallurgical additive and a good electrode material. Studying its interior microstructure is necessary for fully understanding its intrinsic nature and for better applications. Two groups of known experimental transition data of low-lying rotational quantum states and the analytical formula derived by Sun group in their previous works are used in this work to predict the high-lying accurate R-branch emission spectra of the (0, 0) band in the f1Φ–a1Δ and d1∑+–X3Δ1 systems of the VN molecule. Theoretical results not only reproduce all known experimental spectral lines accurately, but also generate correct values of the unknown spectral lines up to J=80 that are not available experimentally. This study defines a contribution degree C to measure the contributions of known experimental spectral lines to the predicted line. The contribution degree C makes it easier for one to understand the relationships and influences among the transition lines (rotational states) of the given system.