本文利用孙卫国课题组建立的能精确计算(预言)某双原子分子电子态P线系发射谱线的物理新公式, 首次研究了VO分子从电子态^2Δ3/2跃迁到电子态1^2Δ3/2的(0, 0)跃迁带中的P线系发射谱线. 获得的研究结果不仅重复了实验上已知的低转动态谱线数据,而且还正确预言了该跃迁带在 实验上难以精确测量的转动量子数J=80.5以内的高振转激发态的P线系发射光谱. 为研究VO分子内部结构提供了重要的物理信息.
The accurate P-branch emission spectra of the (0, 0) band in the 2^Δ3/2-1^2Δ3/2 system of the VO molecule are studied in this work using the analytical formula derived by Sun group in their previous work. The calculated results generate correct values of the unknown spectral lines up to J=80.5 which are not available experimentally for this band, as well as reproduce all known experimental spectral lines accurately.