提出了一种基于嵌入式ARM(advanced RISC machines,高级精简指令集机器)处理器的汽车用甲醇/汽油双燃料控制器设计方案.此控制器安装于汽车电控单元(ECU)与发动机之间,与ECU实现互动,通过安装在汽车发动机不同部位上的各种传感器采集发动机的各种工作参数,采用燃油喷射控制修正技术,依据甲醇与汽油的热值差异及替代关系修正喷油脉宽,实现双燃料控制.
The software and hardware design of an ARM-based methanol/gasoline dual-fuel controller was proposed. The controller was installed between the electronic control unit (ECU) and the engine of automobile, interacting with the ECU and collecting operating parameters by various transducers installed on the engine. Dual-fuel controlling was realized by fuel-injection-correction according to calorific value difference between methanol and petrol.