本文借鉴Combes et al.(2007)的城市与区域集聚效应测量方法,运用长三角16个城市、珠三角13个城市和环渤海地区19个城市1994--2007年的面板数据,对三个经济区的城市和区域集聚效应进行了实证对比分析。结果显示:珠三角的城市集聚效应在1990年代最强,但近年却出现明显的下降,同时,其区域集聚效应表现最弱;长三角在城市和区域集聚效应两方面都表现得最为突出:环渤海经济区的城市集聚效应最弱,而在区域集聚效应上表现良好。进一步地.文章认为集聚力与扩散力的“循环累积”决定了三个经济区内集聚效应的强弱.并且针对它们在人力资本和技术的外溢性以及产业同构化等方面存在的差异.提出了今后的发展建议。
Using the panel data of 16 cities in Yangtze River Delta, 13 cities in Pearl River Delta and 19 cities in Bo-sea Encirclement from 1994 to 2007, this paper compares the agglomeration effects of the three regions based on the method of Combes et al. (2007). It reaches three primary conclusions. First, the city agglomeration effect of Pearl River Delta has been declining sharply since 2000 although it is the highest in the 1990's, and its region agglomeration effect is the lowest. Second, the agglomeration effects of Yangtze River Delta are the highest and grow very fast in the resent years. Third, the city agglomeration effect of Bo-sea Encirclement is the lowest, however its region agglomeration effect is good. Finally, the paper gives some suggestions including establishing industrial co-opetition mechanism and regional financial collaboration in order to make the three regions develop further in a harmonious way.