Towards building a more effective MPI infrastructure for multieore systems, a thread- based MPI program accelerator, called MPIActor, is proposed in this paper. MPIActor is a transparent middleware to assist general MPI libraries. For any single-thread MPI program, the MPI- Actor is optional in compiling phase. With the join of MPIActor, the MPI processes in each node will be mapped as several threads of one process, and the intra-node communication will be enhanced by taking advantage of the light-weight thread-based mechanism. The authors have designed and implemented the point to-point communication module. This paper details the mecha- nism, the communication architecture and key techniques, and evaluates it with OSU LATENCY benchmark on a real platform. The experimental results show that the introduction of MPIActor can achieve a 2X performance for transferring 8 KB and 4 MB messages on MVPICH2 and OpenMPI parallel environments.