We presented the observations on the regulation of laccase expression by some environmental elements in Cryptococcus neoformans. We showed that regulation of laccase expression differentiated in the two most seen serotypes : A and D. In the early stationary phase, laccase activity in serotype A strain H99 was higher than that of serotype D strain JEC21 although its maximum activity was much lower than that of JEC21. Copper induction was also distinct. Laccase activity in H99 kept increasing with a higher concentration of the copper in the medium. In contrast, the maximum laccase activity in JEC21 was obtained at low concentration of copper (10 μmol/L), then the activity started to decrease with higher copper. Unlike glucose, nitrogen had no repression effect on laccase, rather different nitrogen sources regulated laccase expression in different fashions. Additionally, laccase activity was inhibited by ele- vated temperature in both serotypes, and copper could still activate laccase expression in 2% glucose and at high temperature, e.g. 37 ℃.