Self-inventing multi-heat silicon carbide furnace is used in order to convert coal high-efficiently and cleanly, in which much fuel gas rich in CO is produced by using raw materials of coal and quartz. Meanwhile, high added value material is being produced. We not only study the influence of coal and gasification technology on gas products, but also test energy carrier ma- terial through XRD and SEM. The results show that fuel gas is mainly composed of carbon monoxide (CO), the average content of CO reaches up to 70%, the average content of the COd-Hz and COd- Hzd-CH4 reach to 85% and 90% respectively. We can improve the content of CO by using an- thracite, coke or roasting method. The energy carrier material SiC (content of 98.45%) is ob- tained, among which the yields of 3C-SiC, 6H-SiC, 4H-SiC are 4. 12%, 89.81% and 4.42% respec- tively. The crystal has a relatively high euhedrat degree, most of which is thickly platelike crys- tal.