Chongqing area is the breakthrough area of shale gas exploration and development,and the shale gas is preserved in the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation of the Lower Paleozoic. Based on data from outcrop,drilling core and logging data,using sedimentology,organic geochemistry and other methods,the characteristics of sedimentology of shales,and the shale gas accumulation conditions was analyzed and the favorable areas for shale gas exploration of study area were predicted. The results showed that the dark shale in Chongqing area had a great thickness and a broad dis-tribution,with the content of total organic carbon being more than 2% and the organic matter type being type I. The thermal evolution was in high mature-over mature stage which indicated the shale have a better hydrocarbon-generating potential. The target dark shale horizon was overlain by a thick sequence of shales and underlain by thick modular limestones and micritic limestones,which provided a deal preservation effect for shale gas. The content of gas was much higher and the average gas content being 1. 39cm^3/t. The integrated information overlapping method was used to predict favorable areas of shale gas exploration,and two favorable areas were predicted,including the Chengkou-Wuxi area and the Shizhu-Fuling-Wulong-Pengshui-Nanchuan-Qijiang area.