The Guijiang River(GJR) is the first order tributary of the Xijiang River system, with the length of its main stream as 438km and drainage basin area as 18790km^2. The GJR drainage basin is mostly mountainous and hilly. Carbonate rock (mainly of limestone)outcrops account for about 51% of the G JR drainage basin, most of which occur in the upper and middle parts of the drainage basin. Modern karst geomorphologic processes have been developed both on the surface and underground, and a deep layer of limestone red earth is distributed on the karst plain. The G]R drainage basin has a typical subtropical monsoon climate,with the average annual temperatures ranging from 19℃ to 21℃ ,and the annual rainfall varying from 1900mm to 2700mm. 80% of precipitation fails is mainly from April to September, and most of the rainfall is in the form of storms deriving from summer monsoon and typhoon. The soils in the GJR drainage basin mainly include red soil, calcareous soil and paddy soil. The zonal vegetations mainly include subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, coniferous and broad-leaved forest, shrub and grass. Water samples were collected monthly at the Wuzhou section of the GJR from April 2005 to April 2006, from which particulate organic carbon(POC)samples for A14C and &^13C analysis were filtrated through microporous membrane with the pore size of 0. 45 μm. Dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) samples for &^13C analysis were obtained in situ by the direct precipitation methods using saturated NaOH solution and granular BaC12. A 14C of POC were measured on an accelerator mass spectrometer(AMS), &^13C of DIC and POC was measured using GV-IsoPrimeTM II and Finnigan Delta Plus xl mass spectrometers,respectively. The biogeochemical cycles of riverine carbon are discussed based on the radioactive and stable isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon and stable isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon. POC content in the total suspended substance varied mostly from 1.70% to 14. 27%