目的:了解海洛因依赖人群出现与帕金森病类似的症状体征的情况。方法:采用帕金森病统一评分量表(United Parkinson’s Disease Rate Scale,UPDRS量表)对121名海洛因依赖者及31名年龄、性别、文化程度相匹配的对照组志愿者进行评分,其数据作统计学分析。结果:海洛因依赖人群的UPDRS分值显著高于对照组志愿者,静脉吸毒、复吸、长期吸毒均能提高UPDRS分值,对于震颤、动作缓慢、姿势不稳、步态异常等症状,海洛因依赖者的出现率明显高于正常对照组。结论:海洛因依赖可导致类似于帕金森病的症状体征出现,其原因可能是由于脑内黑质纹状体多巴胺系统受损。
Objective:To understand the manifestation of Parkinson' s Diseaselike symptoms and signs among heroin dependent patients. Methods:121 heroin dependent patients and 31 age -, sex - and educational - level matched non - drug - abusing control volunteers were assessed using the United Parkinson' s Disease Rate Scale (UPDRS). The data were statistically analysed. Results : Heroin dependent patients showed significantly higher UPDRS score than the control subjects. And intravenous (Ⅳ) administration of heroin, a relapse history of heroin and longer period of heroin abuse, seemed to contribute to higher UPDRS score. Motor disorder (tremor, bradykinesia, postural instability, gait abnormity, etc ) was more predominant in heroin dependent patients than in the control subjects. Conclusions:Heroin dependence can induce some symptoms and signs like PD. It can be postulated that heroin dependence may have neuronal toxic impact on the striatal dopamine systems.