本文选择我国甘肃尕海—则岔、甘肃黄河首曲和四川若尔盖3处国家级自然保护区作为若尔盖高原湿地研究区,构建委托-代理框架探究影响牧民保护湿地积极性的因素,运用耦合群落调查法和遥感解译法完成了若尔盖高原湿地边界的遥感制图,旨在研究我国若尔盖高原湿地的生态补偿基线.结果表明:研究区高原湿地面积约为1 463km2,其生态系统服务价值为274.29亿元,湿地生态补偿标准应以每亩110元为下限,1.25万元为上限,实施过程中综合考虑牧民年均收入、其他保护相关成本等因素.
Three national reserves,the Gansu Gahai-Zecha reserve,the Gansu Yellow River shouqu reserve and the Sichuan Ruoergai reserve,were studied as Zoige Plateau wetland in the present work.A principal-agent frame was built to explore possible factors impacting wetland protection motivation in herdsmen.The coupling method of community survey and remote sensing technology was used to map alpine wetland boundary of Zoige Plateau.The ultimate goal was to examine the baseline of ecological compensation on alpine wetland in Zoige Plateau.The wetland area of the zoige plateau is about 1 463 square kilometers,and the value of ecosystem service is 274.29 billion RMB;The baseline of ecological compensation should be between 110 RMB and 12 500 RMB;Herdsmen annual income,wetland protection related costs and other factors should be taken into consideration when implementating ecological compensation.