抽取地下咸水是河口海岸带地区防治海水入侵的可行性措施之一.通过构建室内砂箱物理模型并结合着色技 术,分析不同抽咸强度和布井方式下海水入侵咸淡水界面运移规律以及地下水流场演变机制,研究不同情境下抽取咸水 对海水入侵的防治效果.结果表明:地下水流场受抽取咸水的强度和布井方式影响,可通过加大咸水抽取强度、优化布 井方式,实现抽咸牵引防治海水入侵的最佳效果.固定咸水抽取强度时,远离咸淡水界面进行的叠加井抽水与单井抽水 效果相比,并不具备优越性;在海水入侵界面以下咸水体上部抽取咸水,可防止抽咸过程中海水入侵界面向内陆移动,在 海水入侵界面近趾端处抽取咸水可以使海水楔趾端更快向海水区回退;保持一定的咸水抽取强度时,在海水入侵界面以 下咸水体上部与趾端位置处进行分散式布井,可以达到整体修复滨海含水层的效果.
Properly extracting saltwater in estuary coastal aquifers is one of the feasible measurements to mitigate seawater intrusion. Labora-tory experiments using sand tank and color tracing were conducted to investigate the pumping intensity and well distribution of saltwater ab-straction on the behavior of the saltwater wedge and evolvement mechanism of groundw-ater flow. The results of experiments show that the pum-ping intensity and the well distribution significantly affect the groundwater flow- direction. The seawater intrusion can be mitigated through in-creasing pumping intensity with optimized well distribution. When the pumping wells are far from the salt-freshwater interfaces and the total pumping rates are fixed,multiple wells system has no significant different with the single well system on saltwater intrusion mitigation. Pum-ping from the up part of the saltwater wedge can prevent the interface from moving to the landward zone,and pumping saltwater close to the toe of saltwater wedge can accelerate the toe moving to the coastal zone. Pumping with distributing well both from the top and toe of saltwater wedge can achieve better effect for mitigating the seawater intrusion.