在静态通气条件下,分别以养殖场鸡粪、猪粪、牛粪为材料,加入麦秸作为调节物质,研究了加入外援菌剂堆腐过程堆体脱氢酶活性变化及其与温度的关系。结果表明,添加微生物菌剂使得堆体温度迅速上升,整个堆肥过程中的堆体温度高于对照,在堆肥的第1-2d进入高温期,且高温阶段持续时间延长为16-20 d;对照处理在堆腐的4-5d后进入高温期,持续时间较短仅为7-8d。3种物料脱氢酶活性大小相比较,加菌剂处理,牛粪[H^+29.32μL/(g·d)]〉鸡粪[H^+25.66μL/(g·d)]≈猪粪[H^+25.34μL/(g·d)],脱氢酶高峰出现的时间以牛粪(6 d)〉鸡粪(12 d)〉猪粪(14 d)。CK处理均在堆肥后第10 d脱氢酶活性达到最高,3种物料的脱氢酶大小的顺序为牛粪[H^+24.62μL/(g·d)]〉鸡粪[H^+21.6μL/(g·d)]〉猪粪[H^+18.62μL/(g·d)]。加菌剂处理在高温堆肥初期过高的温度不利于土壤微生物的活动,因此在温度大于60℃以上时,脱氢酶的活性与温度呈直线负相关,此后脱氢酶活性与温度成显著性直线正相关;对照处理升温较缓慢,酶活性和温度增长同步,整个堆腐期间的脱氢酶活性与温度成显著性直线正相关。
Variations of dehydrogenaze activities of excrement of animals composting with microorganism agent had been studied in high temperature and static state. Excrement of animals included cow excrement, chicken excrement and pig excrement, and wheat straw were used to adjust bulk for the compost. Results showed that compost temperature increased rapidly and entered into high temperature composting after 1-2 d, and high temperature lasted for 16-20 d for all treatments with microorganism agent. On the contrast, high temperature composting came at day 4-5 d and last only 7-8 d for CK treatment. The composting temperature was higher in the treatment with microorganism agent than without (CK). Dehydrogenaze activities were higher in the treatment with microorganism agent than without during the whole composting process. Among three excrement of animals dehydrogenaze activities were in the order as: cow excrement [ H ^+ 29.32 μL/(g·d) ] 〉 chicken excrement [ H^+ 25.66 μL/(g·d)] ≈ pig excrement [ H^+ 25.34 μL/(g·d) ], and the maximum dehydrogenaze activities appeared date was in the order as cow excrement (6 d) 〉 chicken excrement (12 d) 〉 pig excrement (14 d) . The biggest dehydrogenaze activities appeared at day 10 after composting, and the order for three animals excrements was cow excrement [ H ^+ 24.62 μL/(g·d) ] 〉 chicken excrement [ H ^+ 21.6μL/(g·d)] 〉 pig excrement [H^+ 18.62μL/(g·d) ] for CK treatment. High-temperature ( 〉 60℃) was unfavorable for microbial activity at the early composting stage for the treatment with microorganism agent, and there was a negative linear correlation between dehydrogenaze activities and correlation temperature. After dehydrogenaze activities got its peak, dehydrogenaze activities had a significant positive linear with temperature. While composting temperature increased slowly for CK treatment, there was a significant linear correlation between temperature and dehydrogenaze activities during compos