对传统的企业应用集成方法进行分析,提出一种基于SOA模型的企业应用集成框架,并讨论了相关的支撑技术;给出了Web Services集成实现模型—传输层、消息层、描述层、保证层和组合层。面向服务的实现企业应用集成框架的方式,能较好地解决企业原有应用系统集成的问题,从而克服了EAI传统解决方案中的缺点,建立了一套独立于语言并且跨平台的系统集成方案,并给出了一个面向服务的企业应用集成系统实例。
Analyzed traditional Enterprise Application Integration methods. It presented a new EAI model based on SOA and introduced its implementation technology. Then the realized model of Web service (Transport layer, message layer, description layer, guarantee layer and integration layer)was brought up. Service Oriented EAI conquered the disadvantages of the traditional EAI methods, and gave a language-independent and platform-independent EAI method. Such method could reserve the quondam resource of the enterprise and save the cost on development. Finally, one instance designed by using service-oriented enterprise application integration architecture.